Jakob Scholbach

Jakob Scholbach
Professore Asscociato, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Padova
email: jakob.scholbach@unipd.it
Mail: Via Trieste 63, 35121 Padova, Italy
Office: 5th floor, part BC


I am interested in motives, the Langlands program, special L-values, abstract homotopy theory, and Arakelov theory. The following papers are also available via the arxiv, Orcid, Google scholar, zbMath, or MathSciNet.


Office hours: anytime via zoom, please email me

Current courses

  • Homology and Cohomology. Please inscribe yourself in moodle to participate in the course. The password for inscribing yourself into the course is SCQ0094302N02023
  • Linear Algebra for Engineers (joint lecture with Bruno Chiarellotto). To participate in the course, you have to inscribe yourself in the moodle elearning platform. The password for inscribing yourself into the course is: INQ1097760N02023

Past courses